Often I sit down in front of my computer to type something up for my blog because I want to express important stuff, and sometimes, I just want to “talk.” One of the things I love about having this little blog spot is that I can put things on here that are vastly meaningful to me or just ramble a bit. This thought reflects the title of my blog because here I am, somewhere in time, reflecting and recording bits of me. Today’s “bit of me” is one of those “just talk” times.
I think I am getting ready to do a study on the quality of mercy. I say “think” because I am not 100% sure. Well, that is not 100% true. I am 100% sure the Lord is gently nudging me to begin this study, but I’m not 100% sure I want to begin it. I smile even as I type this because one of the BIG things the Lord and I have been talking about together is my obedience…so…yes, ok; I am 100% for sure going to start a study on the quality of mercy.
If you have any devotional books, sermon copies or particularly favorite scriptures or songs around the topic of mercy, please post where I can find them, and I’ll check them out as I begin. Lift me up in prayer when you think of me and ask the Lord to help me learn whatever he wants me to learn about mercy. Ok-now I’m getting excited about it! As the song says, “It’s Gonna be Good!” (Yolanda Adams in case you want to check out that awesome, raise your hands and praise song.)
I was smiling at myself this morning as I thought about mercy and all the places where people need to be able to USE it with me! The title for a blog post popped into my head, and I just laughed right out loud! So here it is—Picker, Flicker, Clicker! That’s me.
I will not totally bore you with a list of all the ways that this title fits me, but trust me, it fits. And trust me, it’s annoying. I see lint or a little thread on you-I pick it off. I find something in my eye’s view that causes imbalance in the beauty of the view, I flick it away. Watch out if your hair is out of place! I have something in my hand that makes noise, I click it!
So-here is the must recent example of my “Picker, Flicker, Clicker” tendencies in action.
I have had the habit (ok-bad habit if you must put that word with it) of biting my nails. I have had this habit for as long as I can remember. Lots of people have had lots of ideas about how I could break this habit. PLEASE do not send me any ideas (have mercy)!
Recently, without any plan to do so, I stopped biting my nails. They were all growing long at once, and amazingly, none of them chipped, split or broke. These lovely, long nails at the end of my fingers were very unique for me. No more fingers in my mouth!
However, people who bite their nails are like people who smoke or twist their hair. We are used to messing with something without even thinking about it. I’m sure there is deep psychology behind this, but that is not the point. The point is – long, lovely nails make the most wonderful CLICKING sound. Just DE-LIGHT-FUL! You click but you don’t bite!
Very cool, right -- SO NOT! Apparently, clicking your nails around people is just as annoying as someone who constantly clicks a pen, taps their foot, or talks under their breath. Who knew! If ever a person needed a little mercy, it has been long-nail Pam!
If the Lord is calling you to develop your mercy muscle, then you can come spend time with me. I’ll help you.
I know this is an extremely “light” example for thinking about the need for the quality of mercy in our lives, but I did think to myself that sometimes it is the accumulation of all those "little things" that can make or break relationships. It can actually be easier to show mercy or be aware that you are receiving mercy, when the issue is HUGE and IMPORTANT, but when it is all the little, annoying things about each other that start to require the quality of mercy to be put into action, well now that is different.
I guess that is why the Lord is asking me to start this study. Care to join me over your way?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
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